Savouring the Flavours of Aboriginal Culture
When you eat salmon served by an Aboriginal host – whether in a contemporary restaurant setting, or prepared by traditional methods – you’re not just sampling a British Columbia delicacy, but also partaking of something that’s been profoundly significant to the survival of the province’s First Nations since time immemorial.
For Brodie Swanson from Vancouver’s Salmon ‘n Bannock Bistro, an Aboriginal-owned and operated fine dining venue, sharing food – and especially salmon – is a way to share his Haida Nation culture and its traditions through masterful culinary expression.
Barbara Cranmer and K’odi Nelson prefer to share the traditional methods for preparing salmon – barbecued right on the beach – so visitors to Alert Bay’s Culture Shock Interactive Gallery can experience a taste of untouched ‘Namgis Nation culture. They say it is an ideal way to educate people and pass on a way of life that is thousands of years old, and yet still being lived today.

If you are interested in learning how you can taste traditional or contemporary Aboriginal cuisine, click here to find an Aboriginal owned restaurant or café.
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