First Nations Carvings and Culture
When it comes to Aboriginal art, few First Nations are as highly regarded as master carvers as are the people of the Haida Nation. Hailing from Haida Gwaii (Island of the People) or what was also known as the Queen Charlotte Islands off the coast of B.C., the Haida are credited with creating the very first totem poles, and are renowned all over the world for their colourful carved masks.
Christian White knows all about the ancient carving traditions of his Haida ancestors, and he proudly and willingly shares the art form today with visitors to the Canoe Carving Shed on Haida Gwaii.
Jason Alsop of the Haida Heritage Centre also shares the legacy of his ancestors every day as he takes visitors through the site that showcases the incredible art and history of the Haida Nation. They say they love to show visitors that the rich Haida Nation culture isn’t something just out of the past, but present, living and still vibrant today.

Click here to learn more about how you can incorporate an Aboriginal art and culture experience into your visit to British Columbia.
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