The Haida Gwaii Experience
1 of 22 Tlell, Northern British Columbia, BC Haida Gwaii
2 of 22 Tlell, Northern British Columbia, BC Haida Gwaii
3 of 22 Tlell, Northern British Columbia, BC Haida Gwaii
4 of 22 Tlell, Northern British Columbia, BC Haida Gwaii
5 of 22 Tlell, Northern British Columbia, BC Haida Gwaii
6 of 22 Tlell, Northern British Columbia, BC Haida Gwaii
7 of 22 Tlell, Northern British Columbia, BC Haida Gwaii
8 of 22 Tlell, Northern British Columbia, BC Haida Gwaii
9 of 22 Tlell, Northern British Columbia, BC Haida Gwaii
10 of 22 Tlell, Northern British Columbia, BC Haida Gwaii
11 of 22 Tlell, Northern British Columbia, BC Haida Gwaii
12 of 22 Tlell, Northern British Columbia, BC Haida Gwaii
13 of 22 Tlell, Northern British Columbia, BC Haida Gwaii
14 of 22 Tlell, Northern British Columbia, BC Haida Gwaii
15 of 22 Tlell, Northern British Columbia, BC Haida Gwaii
16 of 22 Tlell, Northern British Columbia, BC Haida Gwaii
17 of 22 Tlell, Northern British Columbia, BC Haida Gwaii
18 of 22 Tlell, Northern British Columbia, BC Haida Gwaii
19 of 22 Tlell, Northern British Columbia, BC Haida Gwaii
20 of 22 Tlell, Northern British Columbia, BC Haida Gwaii
21 of 22 Tlell, Northern British Columbia, BC Haida Gwaii
22 of 22 Tlell, Northern British Columbia, BC Haida Gwaii
Haida Gwaii, or “Islands of the People”, can be found off the remote west coast of northern British Columbia. It is a magical place with ancient temperate rainforests and thousands of years of cultural traditions. Located on Haida Territory, Haida Gwaii was formerly referred to as the Queen Charlotte Islands. It is a rugged archipelago made up of approximately 150 islands, the main ones being Graham and Moresby.
These photos include Christian White’s Carving Shed in Old Massett, the Haida Heritage Centre in Skidegate and the Haida House at Tllaal. When you visit the Carving Shed, you can witness a centuries old carving tradition being passed down from generation to generation. Immerse yourself in Haida history when you visit the Haida Heritage Centre and witness the six poles at Kaay Llnagaay.
You can watch for wildlife out your window by the river at the Haida House at Tllaal. Previously a hunting lodge, the Haida House at Tllaal has been acquired by the Haida Nation and has re-opened this June as an accommodation hub to connect guests with whatever cultural/natural activities they may be interested in.
Click here for more information on how to add an Aboriginal experience to your next visit to British Columbia.
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